
How “tojikwatako” agitators misfired on Museveni Museveni’s state at 80 shames “tojikwatako” agitators

By Haji Faruk Kirunda
As we continue celebrating the 80 th birthday of His Excellency the President, I wish to
thank all those that joined the “birthday boy” in Semuto, Nakaseke, for the celebrations
on Sunday, September 15. I also appreciate all those that held smaller celebrations in
other places I cannot name individually, and those who used social media platforms to
congratulate the President and wish him more life and success. I also thank the media,
more so, Vision group, for colourfully covering the occasion.
I return to the subject of President Yoweri Museveni’s birthday to take care of
statements made by the Kira Municipality Member of Parliament, Hon. Ssemujju
Ibrahim, during a plenary session in Parliament in which he proposed that the President
should be subjected to regular medical checks to establish his fitness to lead the
country and accused him of making “erratic” decisions.
Firstly, I think there are some things in which we should afford courtesy even though we
may differ on certain others things. It is good manners and “Ubuntu” to celebrate life and
attainment of a new age. It’s not every one that can attain the ripe age of 80. Indeed,
many have left this world younger. For President Museveni, whose life of a revolutionary
fighter is a miracle in itself, it means so much considering that many of his peers like
Martin Mwesiga, Mwesigwa Black, Rashid Ntale, Nkoko, Raiti Omongin (FRONASA
combatants who didn’t survive Amin) and Ahmed Sseguya, Sam Magara, Sam
Katabarwa and Rubereza (who died in the NRA bushwar), adding on senior officers of
the NRA and UPDF that have passed on along the years, didn’t get the chance to “wear
the grey crown”.
Indeed, nobody knows who among us, the still living, will reach that age. It’s, therefore,
good practice to celebrate and thank the Creator for sustenance. It doesn’t come easy,
considering that there exists ill-wishers that are perturbed when the President gains a
new stays alive. They wish him dead and would probably make attempts to see that

happen. But for civility purposes, at least it if you cannot wish someone well, just ignore.
However, thanks to the prayers of family, friends, supporters and sober opponents, the
President is alive, well and dedicated to the cause as ever.
On MP Ssemujju’s statements; for all the time I have known the legislator, even when
he was still a newsroom journalist, he enjoys taking jibes at the President. It is one thing
to be critical of someone, more so a leader, but when it becomes a tendency to pick on
him or her even in private space, it becomes witch-hunt. Even the humorous bits start to
lose salt.
On proposing that the President is subjected to medical checks, under what legal
regime would such draconian methods come into play? And who says that his health
status isn’t known? If this was meant to humour the House, it was in bad taste and part
of the grand scheme to diminish the standing of the head-of-state in the sight of the
The President’s physical, mental, emotional and psychological state speaks for itself.
Has anyone seen him walking with support from another person like the infirm usually
are? Has he failed to attend to any activity on account of unfitness or ailment, except for
the mild bouts of Covid-19 and common flu which can affect anyone, but still
manageable? There is no need to overemphasise what everyone can see. If Ssemujju,
out of personal curiosity, wants to test the President’s physical fitness, he should
request for a fitness challenge with the big man and we settle this once and for all.
In recent times, the President retraced his bushwar tracks when he trekked for
195kilometers from Galamba (in Luweero) to Birembo (in Kibaale). Can Ssemujju
manage even half of that at his age? On the mental state of the President, when did the
MP become a psychiatrist to assess the mental state of others? Who else has he
checked, or this is only reserved for the man he hates so much?
Referencing US President Joe Biden who stepped down from the presidential race due
to senility, what has that got to do with the Ugandan leader or Ugandans at large?
People age differently depending on many factors, including genes, personal lifestyle
and environmental factors. If Museveni couldn’t stand the pressure of his duties, he

would naturally give way like Biden did. No need to enforce anything on him! I don’t
recall seeing anyone with a photographic memory for things and detail than President
Museveni, covering a range of fields not limited to local and world history, the scriptures,
linguistics, ideologies, scientific names of things, people and dates. We can arrange a
mental work quiz if anybody wants to try!
But on a more serious note, agitators against the removal of the “age limit” from the
Constitution under the umbrella of “Tojikwatako!” (Don’t touch the clause!)-among whom
the Kira MP featured prominently- that was supposed to stop Museveni from contesting
for office again have been proven wrong and no amount of cover-up will work. Their
lack of foresight has come to the fore! Four years or more later, he shows no sign of
senility or crumbling and the term is as good as done. Either they didn’t know the man
they were challenging or they thought they could mislead Ugandans to gain advantage
for their preferred contenders. In short, the whole idea of resisting the amendment was
pointless because the eventual winner of the 2021 presidential elections is in top shape
and set to remain so for a long time to come.
Here, I commend the man who moved the amendment, the current Minister of Local
Government, Hon. Raphael Magyezi, for having an idea on the nature of the person he
was paving way for, and other MPs and Ugandans who supported the move. Ideology
over biology!
We now pray that God makes our President’s birthday wish to see “the realisation of
the dream of the Pan-Africanists for the creation of the East African Political
Federation and the consolidation of the Continental Free Trade Area” come true.
Insha Allah!
The author is the Deputy Presidential Press Secretary

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