
Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Launches Thrilling Enganda Football Tournament and Exhilarating Bicycle Racing Competition.


In a dazzling display of athleticism and community spirit, Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom ignited the

fervor of sports enthusiasts as it inaugurated the highly anticipated Inter Clan (Enganda) football

tournament and the Inter County (Amasaza) Bicycle racing competition on August 25th. The

vibrant opening ceremony took place at the iconic Masindi Booma Ground in Masindi Town and

was graced by the presence of the esteemed Bunyoro kingdom Prime Minister, Owek Andrew

Byakutaga Ateenyi.

The prime minister, radiating enthusiasm, urged the clans within the kingdom to wholeheartedly

embrace the games while expressing sincere gratitude to MTN Uganda for their unwavering

support in diverse domains. "These games play a pivotal role in fostering clan unity, and as a

kingdom, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to MTN for their multifaceted backing," exclaimed


The bicycle racing spectacle kicked off with unparalleled gusto, featuring a men's race that saw

participants conquering a challenging route: starting from the Masindi Booma Ground, the

cyclists charted their course through Kijura, Katasenywa, Butoobe, Kalyango, Kakwese,

Kijambura, Kyamujwara, Bigando, Bigando Primary School, Masindi Town, and culminating

back at the Masindi Booma Ground. Hon. Francis Mugerwa, the Minister for Information in the

Bunyoro kingdom, divulged that numerous clans across Bunyoro had enthusiastically registered

for the Enganda football tournament.

In a spirited face-off on the football field, seven clans from Masindi exhibited their prowess, each

vying for glory in a knockout-style tournament. Sam Mahaba, chairman of Uganda Cyclist,

acknowledged the profound impact of cycling on the sports landscape, applauding both the

kingdom and MTN Uganda for orchestrating a competition that empowers and fortifies the

community. "The cycling competitions are a testament to the resilience of our people and the

meticulous organization by the kingdom and MTN," Mahaba exclaimed.

Enganda Football Tournament Clan Participants:

  1. Abaisanza
  2. Abakorogo
  3. Ababwijwa
  4. Ababopi
  5. Abasingo
  6. Abasazima
  7. Abagabu

Mugerwa underlined the inclusive nature of the tournaments, sharing that every district within

Bunyoro would have the honor of hosting Enganda football matches and Amasaza Bicycle

racing competitions. The vibrant community spirit and the fervor of competition were palpable as

over 50 cyclists hailing from Masindi Municipality, Buruuli, and Bujenje counties fervently took to

the tracks in the Amasaza bicycle racing competition within Masindi District.

Beyond the thrill of victory, the tournament embraced a broader purpose of nurturing talent,

fostering camaraderie, and driving developmental initiatives across the clans. The crowning of

winners further exemplified the success of the competitions:


Bicycle Race Winners – Men:

  1. Ali Mugahya – Prize: 500,000
  2. Ivan Ayebale – Prize: 400,000
  3. Ronald Mayinja – Prize: 300,000
  4. Young Brown – Prize: 200,000
  5. Tifu Byakita – Prize: 100,000

Bicycle Race Winners – Women:

  1. Nyakabito Rehema – Prize: 400,000
  2. Maria Mubu – Prize: 300,000
  3. Sarah Nyandera – Prize: 200,000
  4. Enid Ayebale – Prize: 100,000
  5. Ayebale Evelyn Friday – Prize: 50,000

The Bunyoro Kingdom's union of athleticism, community engagement, and unwavering support

from MTN Uganda truly marked an unforgettable chapter in the annals of sports and unity. As

the excitement continues to ripple across the kingdom, the enduring legacy of these events

promises to inspire generations to come.

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