There was no other better moment to remember over the weekend within Namungoona that the high-pressure ForteBet-Alex Muhangi soccer tour. The football excitement, tension, anger and the big anticipation to win mega rewards left punters thrilled to the edge.
The tour was organized by ForteBet in conjunction with the company brand ambassador, Alex Muhangi.
The tour started with a give back to the community, specifically giving out mama kits to expectant mothers at Nabweru Health Centre III. The donation was handed over by Muhangi. At Namungoona playground is where the soccer battle rocked. Teams representing ForteBet branches then battled out in knockout encounters until the victors, Kasubi Gold Centre, emerged.
These victors were prized with 500,000/=, footballs and club jerseys. The second placed team, Masanafu Main Centre was also prized with 300,000/=, balls and jerseys while the other teams were given 100,00/=, jerseys and balls. The best individual players were also awarded gifts like phones and headsets.
Below is the pictorial;