
The oil palm project in buvuma Island.

The oil palm project in buvuma Island.

So far the project has planted 2500 hectáres of oil palm trees. Government intends to expand to 5000 hectares but they are still delayed by issues of land compensation.

The oil palm project has greatly improved the economy of the 53 islands in the district. The project has improved household incomes, local revenue taxes, created employment opportunities for the youth and women. Management through corporate social responsibility contributed to the construction of a modern ferry and they also lend equipment the district to maintain roads.
The number of tourists has also increased. Criminal rates have reduced due to increased security and the youth are fully occupied in income generating activities. According to Sserunjogi Wilson the senior assistant CAO and project cordinator, “You need land near a reliable water source, enough sunshine, fertilizers ad an expert to guide you on how to plant the trees.” “In one acre, you plant 60 palm trees which is an investment of 1.2 million. You can earn 6 to 7 million during the harvest season. The trees surfocate the weeds thus reducing costs of weeding”. he said.

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