

Expectant mothers at Maganjo were left all smiles after receiving free mama kits from Fortebet.
This activity, which preceded the Kawempe Fortebet-Alex Muhangi soccer tour was led by the company brand ambassador, Alex Muhangi together with the company media relations manager, John Nanyumba and they were received by facility in-charge, Hellen Nakandi.
“We have done this a million times before and we’ll keep doing it to give back to the community. Fortebet is aware of how much the cost of living has shot up, making life so difficult. For this reason, we decided to buy the kits for you. So, use that money to buy baby nappies,” Muhangi noted, while handing over the kits.
According to Nakandi, this was a much-needed offer given that the health facility serves mostly low-income earners.
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