

Muhangi with Rwebikoona jersey winners.

It was another moment to remember for as Fortebet gave back to its clients and none client in the areas of Mbarara, Kabale, Kabaale and Isingiro.

Over 1000 clients received at least a gift, which among others, included phones, jerseys, t-shirts, pens and wristbands. Fortebet also gave out reflector jackets to bodaboda riders in Kabaale in a bid to reduce their chances of being knocked, especially during the night.

More T-shirts winners at Kabaale.

All the gifts were handed over by Fortebet brand ambassador, Alex Muhangi together with John Nanyumba, the company’s media manager.

Ntungamo jersey winners take a photo with Muhangi

“The main reason we have come to visit you is to say a big thank you to you because you are the main reason why Fortebet has grown this strong. You deserve so much indeed. We shall keep showering you with many more goodies,” Muhangi said while handing over gifts at Mbarara main centre.

Ntungo phone winner

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